Saturday 7 May 2016

How To Use Adsense Page Level Ads On Blogger Blog For Boost Your Adsense Earnings In 2016

Google Adsense Recently Luanched Google Adsense Page-Level Ads For Increase Users Revenue. It's Very Simlpe Procedure To use page level ads on your sites and blogs for increase google adsense earnings. It helps you to monetize your mobile template just like admob ads in adsense users. Here am sharing this method to use page level ads on blogger blog.

Google Adsense HD

Some Features Of Adsense Page-Level Ads:

  • Showing A Layer Ad On Mobile Template For Increase Adsense Earnings. And Gives Good User Interface For your blog readers.
  • 2 simple ad formats : anchor and overlay ads and vignettes
  • It's Not Includes with adsense ads per page limits. you can use it along with banner ads & Link Ads.
  • Only displays ads on mobile Users & mobile Optimizing sites.
  • Optimized to help increase Adsense Earnings
  • Mobile Responsive Design.
How To Use Adsense Page Level Ads On Blogger Blog:

  • Sign In to your adsense account.
  • You can get Page Level Ads Intro & Features Here. 
  • Now Enable The Ads By Click On The Status Button.

enable adsense page-level ads in blogger

  • Scroll Down And Select " Get Code "
  • You will Get Page Level Ads Code In Textbox, Just Copy It.
adsense page-level ads code

* Now go to Blogger > Template > Backup your template
* Click Edit HTML and search for this code </head>
* Paste your Page-level code just above </head>

Note: In your Page-level Ads code, make Small modification. Replace the attribute async with async=''. Otherwise it Gives error and you can't use this ads.

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1 Response to "How To Use Adsense Page Level Ads On Blogger Blog For Boost Your Adsense Earnings In 2016"

  1. Hi,
    I activated the Google Page-level ads few days ago but nothing yet, I am sure things are going to turn out soon and i Think not all AdSense account have that feature for now because i have not yet seen the Page-level ad on it.

    Thanks for the info..!
