Solution / Settings for receiving Adsense Payment in India even if SWIFT Code Not available —
- First of all , Fill Up all the details in the Payment settings page except Swift code , it consists of simple fields such as Account holder Name , Account Number and IFSC Code, Make sure that you fill in only your branch’s IFSC Code and your Correct Account Number . The Payment settings will look like these —
- You can use the site to find the IFSC Code of your Bank branch . Make sure you copy the correct IFSC Code as each Bank branch in India has its separate and distinct IFSC Code.
- Now, regarding the SWIFT-BIC , First of all Please visit the site and find out whether your Bank Branch has SWIFT Code or not , if its present simply enter the Obtained Swift Code , else
- Simply fill in the Nearest Bigger Branch Swift Code of the Same Parent Bank as that of yours, if the SWIFT-Code of your Branch is not available .. e.g if your Account is in SBI , then look for the Swift Code of nearest SBI branch only ..
- Else if you still cannot find the Swift code of your nearest branch , you can use any of these default SWIFT-BIC codes as per your branch
- Allahabad Bank- ALLAINBBTDM
- Andhra Bank- ANDBINBB
- Axis- AXISINBB002
- Bank of Baroda- BARBINBBXXX
- Bank of India- BKIDINBBNRI
- Bank of Maharashtra- MAHBINBB
- Oriental Bank of Commerce- ORBCINBBIBD
- Punjab National Bank- PUNBINBBISB
- State Bank of India- SBININBBFXD
- United Bank of India- UTBIINBBXXX
Now, some of you might think that using the above method is risky and like that, but in Indian Banking System SWIFT Code is used only to perform Foreign currency to Rupee conversion . and hence using any of the Parent branch SWIFT Code ensures the SWIFT Code bank branch being used as a bridge to convert and transfer money to our Local branch which uses the IFSC Code and then to our Accounts located in the IFSC Code branch , thus ensuring proper funds transfer of our hard earned Money through Adsense
This is indeed very informative post wise to see more of this article. How to search bank by IFSC code?
ReplyDeleteIFSC Code Search is simple. If you have an account with any branch of any bank, you will automatically get to know its IFSC as it's printed on the passbook.