Friday, 18 December 2015

How to bypass the bios password without removing the CMOS battery

Sometimes when you want formatting a computer,
surprised password required by the computer to enter
the BIOS settings, and you must dis-assembly the
computer and remove the CMOS battery that thing
might taking a lot of your time. But in this post I will
give you a quick way to recover the password for Bios
without removing the battery or computer dis-

We can do that using this website bios-pw , it will let
you remove the bios password just follow this simple

When the bios ask you for the password, try 3 times a
wrong password until you get a error message like this
one on the picture.

Put the code shown on the bios-pw website, you can
use your smartphone for that or another computer near
to you; then click on get password.

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