Friday, 1 January 2016

[New Year Blast..] Earn UNLIMITED 10KHITS POINTS From Java/Symbian/Android Phone (FULLY AUTOMATED) (No VPS Needed) ~ 2016

Guys I'm back with a super blast new year gift for all those friends

of mine who want fake traffic to their blog/website to earn money.

Most Amazing thing about this trick is that you don't need any VPS/PC

to earn unlimited points.

You can do this by Java/Symbian/Android mobile only.

Requirements :~

1. A Java/Symbian/Android mobile.

2. A 10khits @/c

You can create here

3 Points Earner App

(Its just a browser with a lot of features)



4. An Internet connection

& Some Time & Brain..!!!

Procedure :~

1. First of all create an A/c @ 10khits from my link to support me.

2. Open the downloaded App & login to your 10khits a/c.

3. Then Click on 'Overview'. Now in 'Update ProFile' Option, click on

'Get Started'.

4. Now You will see your unique surf link. Copy that. It will come in use later.

5. Click on 'Surf Now', then in next page click on 'surf now' again

under Your IP Address.

Now the main trick starts~

6. Go To Menu>Navigation>Auto Reload.

7. Type 8 in box & Mark the 'On' Option. Press Ok.

Your page will get auto reloaded after 8 seconds & you will earn points.

Just set the time between 8-11.

8. Open 2 new Private Windows in that app and open the first copied

link in them.

9. Do the steps 6 & 7 Again!!!!

Just rest & Let your points grow more & more!!!!


More Tricks are waiting For You!!!!

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